Referrals Under Medicare Programs

As registered medicare providers we offer counselling services under Better Access and the Enhanced Primary Care Program. We routinely work with adults and specialise in therapy with children, adolescents and adults.

Why choose to see a Social Worker?
Medical Practitioner Referrals

Developing Partnerships Is Important To Us!

Once a patient has booked or attended an appointment, we send an acknowledgment letter to the referrer. So if you haven’t received this letter from us, we usually haven’t had contact from the patient. At closure, and after the 6th and 10th sessions we provide you with feedback. At times we may also provide you with additional feedback for your review as necessary.

How to Refer?

Please email referrals to

No waiting list!

Patients are usually offered an appointment within two weeks. See our contact us page for our opening hours and office location.

  • Please ensure all referrals are addressed to Happy Me, then we can match it to the appropriate counsellor
  • Ensure you have billed a MHTP or EPC plan so patients can claim the medicare rebates
  • Yes, adults can be referred to our service! See a range of commonly presenting issues here.

Our Services